A compassionate out reach network serving
Deaf LGBTQ and allies
What is Deaf Rainbow of Faith?
Deaf Rainbow of Faith’s mission is to network and provide resources in American Sign Language and English for Deaf Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, and Queers to acknowledge that they are fully accepted and loved by God.
DRF aims to build safe places to inspire, strengthen, and empower Deaf LGBTQ and raise awareness elsewhere. DRF aims for Deaf LGBTQ to know and believe with confidence that they are fully accepted and loved by God for who they are. DRF encourages Deaf LGBTQ to know they can have a loving and trusting relationship with God and that God will not condemn them. They should not be condemned by anyone else either.
DRF desires to provide churches and religious people with better understanding of Bible and to remove wrongful judgement and negative stereotypes due to biased and harmful interpretations of certain Biblical passages.
What Do We Do?

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Provide Support
We provide online networking and support through our Facebook pages:
For Deaf LGBTQ and supporters, go to “Deaf Rainbow of Faith” (Closed group)
For general information, go to “Deaf Rainbow of Faith”
We provide in person fellowship and Bible discussion, usually on Sundays in East Bay Area (of the San Francisco Bay Area). For location and time, email at deafrainbowfaith@gmail.com
Provide Educational
Resources and Tools
Currently, most of our resources are on our facebook pages. We
also have a YouTube account.
Host Retreats
We know a weekend getaway with a group
of like minded and supportive people
does a world of good for individuals. We hope to host several retreats in the future. Let us know if you are interested in participating in them.
Provide Workshops
and Presentations
We would be thrilled to be speakers at your events, or be workshop providers for groups of people to share our experience and Biblical insights.
Deaf Rainbow of Faith (DRF) is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)3 organization, and your donations are tax deductible
Copyright 2019 by Deaf Rainbow of Faith